Covid-19 situation improving


THE covid-19 situation in the country is now improving.

That’s according to Incident Controller in the Ministry of Health and Medical Service, Dr Nemia Baenivalu.

                                Health Minister and team talked to a admitted mother at NRH .

“With the evidence and data that is provided from our health colleagues in provinces and also in Honiara, we note that covid-19 situation in the country has greatly improved,” Baenivalu told reporters yesterday.

He said in the past weeks, NRH no longer admits anyone with severe covid-19 infections.

“Lately no infections have been detected through Rapid Antigen Testing from the screening group in front of the hospital,” he said.

Bainivalu added the covid-19 ward, known as golden ward, has now shifted back for normal operations for other patients.

“In terms of the numbers from 28th of May up until the 10th of June 2022, we noted that we have new cases of 307.

“In Honiara we have 10 cases, Malaita 9, Central Island Province 11, Western Province and Choiseul 200 plus, Makira 12, Renbel 10, and Temotu nine.

Nationally, there are 21,544 covid-19 cases.






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