MECDM corporate plan strategies highlighted


THE Permanente Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) Dr Melchior Mataki has highlighted the strategies divisions under the ministry will work on over the next three years (2018 – 2020).

He said there are number of strategies each of the divisions under this ministry will work to achieve within the period of three years.

The divisions comprised of Environment, Climate Change, Meteorology, Disaster Management and Corporate.

Mataki said the division of environment is responsible of promoting of biodiversity conservation management and restoration of the Solomon Islands environment; protect ecosystems, biodiversity and endemic and threatened plant and animal species, oversea manage and control prescribed development, manage effectively waste and pollution and to administer and implement terrestrial and marine international , regional and sector environmental agreements and conventions.

Permanente Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) Dr Melchior Mataki 

“Climate Change division with a duty of developing and monitor and implement climate change policies and legislation, promote and implement Climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, enhance participation, coordination and implementation of activities under international obligations and commitments.

“Also meteorology has been given responsibilities in regards to strengthening public and marine weather services improve and expand aviation weather services, develop and implement national frame work on climate change services, develop and ope rationalize a multi-hazard early warning system, improved weather and ocean observation system and research and capacity development.

 He said the disaster management division besides have four of its tasks to carry out to strengthen institutional, administrative and financial capacity of the National Disaster Management Office including establishment of robust infrastructure to carry out its mandate, foster governance framework for effective and inclusive management of disaster across all sectors, set standard in terms of preparedness across all sectors and to have timely response to community concerning mechanisms.

Mataki said Corporate with the schemes of monitoring of legislative frame work tagged to MECDM, managing integrated planning process, strengthening the ministry’s’ financial arm, enhance human resources and to strengthened the organizational capability.



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