Implementation of MWYCFA polices and Act hindered


THE implementation process of the Women’s division policies and Act under the Ministry of Women Youth Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) have been hindered by some ‘bumps’.

This was reported by Freda Tuki Soriocomua, Minister of the MWYCFA at the recent opening occasion of the Solomon Islands National Women’s Leadership programme in Honiara.
Freda Tuki Soriocomua, Minister of the MWYCFA
Tuki voiced the encountered challenges in implementing these policies and act rises from different aspects.

“These including having few staffs working at the women’s division, geography of our islands – scattered, transportations difficulties, not enough funds to implement women’s activities, traditional and cultural perception on women as a leader, not enough support to family care centre, not enough support to Christian care centre,” she said.

However if these challenges are being addressed there wouldn’t be any delay in fulfilling them (policies and ACT).  

The delayed implemented policies and Act are the National gender equality and women’s development policy 2016- 2030 (GWED 2016- 2020). It is an overarching policy frame work achieving gender equality and women’s right  in Solomon Islands  IT have  seen (7) policy outcomes.

Also the Solomon Islands Women, Peace and security National action plan 2017- 2021, National Policy to eliminate Violence against women and girls 2016 to 2020 and  the Family protection act 2014.


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