Female Nurse Aide Shares Her Story

BY MAVIS NISHIMURA PODOKOLO We all have dreams and ambitions that we would want to achieve in life. All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose. Some would eventually fulfill their dreams while others chose to take another turn, or not able to reach the line. Clezzer Bennie Clezzer Bennie a young female Nurse Aide who hails from Marovo Lagoon in Western province shares her story after successfully completed her Pre- Diploma Nursing program. Speaking in an exclusive interview with Solomon Women Newspaper, Ms Clezzer said she works as Nurse Aid at Hellen Goldie Hospital for eleven years. Ms Clezzer said she preferred her current career path because back in her young age, she used to admirer nurses and health workers in their uniform. Later she came to realise that it’s not all about the uniform but about caring a...