Bad weather hits hard on Ranogga island



WHILST the country is experiencing bad weather, Ranogga island in the Western Province has also got its fair share.

Most villages in South West and North Central of the island have been affected by high tide and sea level rise.

According to villager Christopher Munukolo, around 1:30 pm - 2pm on Monday, villages on the island were hit by high swells that caused widespread damages to coastlines.

Munukolo said properties especially OBM boats, wooden dugout canoes and piggery were affected by waves as high as 1.5 metres.

“Coastline stone-sea walls, wharfs and coral reefs were being damaged,” Munukolo said.

Sea level moved into the  coastal areas

Ranogga island was lifted three metre above the sea by the earthquake that struck Western Province in April 2007.

At Koriovuku village, an estimated 1 to 1.5 metre rise occurred, during which time the sea came back to its position before the earthquake, said Munukolo.

He said Koriovuku men, women and children move dOBM boats, wooden dugout canoes and pigs to safety.

He further added villagers were told to move to safety and advised to reconsider traveling by boats to other places.

“The damages here might not be too much compared to other parts of the province, but were affected.

“Later at 4pm the wind and waves slowed down. More damages could be incurred if the bad weather persists,” Munukolo said.

Koriovuku community Wharf damaged  by the raising sea level 

He added islands mostly affected by this bad weather were Simbo, Western parts of Gizo and North West of Vella La Vella and of course Ranogga.

Munukolo said the Koriovuku community day school students will be affected if the bad weather continues.

“This is because secondary school students travel to Buri Adventist High School by dugout canoes.

“Others attending different schools also used dug out canoes as their source of transportation.

“Neighboring communities who relied on Koriovuku Area Health Center for medicines are also worried if the bad weather continues.”

Located on the edge of a harbor in north central Ranogga, Koriovuku village is best known as a fishing village area.

Families there depend on fishing as a source of income.

Coastal area in Koriovuku affected by the bad weather  

Any bad weather will always affect their income.


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