Allow a mother to serve you: Jacobeth


ALLOW your own mother to serve you says the only contesting female candidate amongst the five contestants for Central Guadalcanal constituency.

Contesting candidate Jacobeth Vari Maneiria during the launched of her campaign strongly urged the people of Central Guadalcanal to give their own mother a chance to represent and serve them at the national parliament.

 “My children in Central Guadalcanal allow your mother to serve you and you will be like olive chute around the table of your home land and the men and women will be as kings and queens at the city gates” said Maneiria.

She said vote a woman, vote a mother that practices Godly principal if you want to see change in the society, home and nation because mothers a great managers who knows the needs that home, communities, society and nation requires to move forward.

 Maneiria said for the past 40 years men have been representing Central Guadalcanal constituency in the national parliament but for this coming election why not vote a woman.

She said nothing much has changed for the past years; this should serve as a reminder for all to rethink of the constituency’s growth in terms of infrastructure development and other un-addressed matters.

With this Maneiria strongly emphasized, as people of Central Guadalcanal, together they can prove to the country and the rest of the Pacific Regional that they can make change for a better Solomon Islands.

“This means we can reverse the current situation”, she said
She also further adds if she’s elected she will work according to the political party’s core principles that she is currently member under which is the Democratic Alliance Party (DAP).

Maneiria stressed the key areas she will work to improve if she’s elected after April three ,2019 the pooling day were, improving infrastructure, access to health facilities, education, safe drinking water and sanitations.

Also create opportunity for economic development and encourage environmentally friendly development and preparations for great Honiara.

DAP Secretary Laban Honimae adds that the party has trusted and believed in the candidacy of Mrs Maneiria to drive change for her constituency and nation.

Honimae uttered for 40 years men have been leading the people of central Guadalcanal hence for the next for years why not try a woman.

“Try a woman, vote a woman if you want to see change in your communities,” he said.


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