Women’s Right Action Movement with new board members


WOMEN’S Right Action Movement (WRAM) a non-governmental organisation in the country have successfully elected its new board members to stir and make sure the organisation has adequate resource to advance its mission and vision.

The election was done over the weekend when the organisation had its Annual General Meeting at the Kairos conference room in Honiara.

The outcome of the election concluded as Maria Pepa was voted in as the new President, Afulia Billy the vice president, Christina Bakolo as secretary to the board and with five ordinary members.

Speaking at the occasion of board members election Ms Pepa the new president said she was honored to be voted in to the presidency post for WRAM board.

Ms Pepa uttered all she needed is cooperation and support from WRAM and its members in taking up this responsibility for the next 12 months.

 “I‘ll try to do my best to move the institution forward together with the current new board members of WRAM to ensure its mission and vision is fulfilled, with that I believe that this will possible through the putting together of different strength’s, talents and abilities of WRAM board members and its members to the board,” said Ms Pepa the new elected president.

On the same matter Anika Kingmele the outgoing president uttered that she was very privilege to serve the organisation for four years and is pleased to hand over her responsibility to her successor Ms Pepa.

“I would like to thank all WRAM members for encouragement during m y reign as the president. My four years with the organization has developed my capacity and confidence in working with women as well as expanding the knowledge of child right as based  on  my profession  into women’ right area,” said Kingmele the outgoing president.

She adds by thanking WRAM members for support, time, commitment and sacrifices made to make the organisation grow from strengthen to strength.

WRAM is a non-governmental organisation founded in 2011 to effectively remind government of gender issues in the country and their commitments to addressing these issues and with a mission to support government to  promote , protect and fulfill the rights  of women  and men equally , to take affirmative action to address  in equalities  faced  by women and to work  with  NGOs to promote good governance in Solomon Islands.   


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