Social accountability project launched by Oxfam and partners


A project that aims to improve social accountability in the Solomon Islands was launched in Honiara by Oxfam Solomon Islands and the Solomon Islands Social Accountability Coalition (SISAC).  

The project – funded by European Union – hopes to strengthen the capacity of the coalition (SISAC) and other Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) over the next three years to promote inclusive development and enhance democratic governance and accountability among government and civil society institutions in the country.

The “Improving Social Accountability in the Solomon Islands” is a three-year long project in the duration from April 2018 to March 2019.

Addressing the launching occasion Simon Uesikoke, the Social Accountability Project Manager, said its overall objective is to promote inclusive development and enhance democratic governance and accountability among government and civil institutions in Solomon Islands.

Participants who witnessed the Social Accountability Project

He said as well as with a precise objective of strengthening the capacity of Solomon Islands Social Accountability Coalition (SISAC) and other Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to use their networks to effectively engages citizens.

“The aim of this project is to enable CSO and citizens to strategically influence national development, public funds and processes that enables sustainable growth with regrades to transparency, accountability and representation and voice,” Uesikoke said.

He said the key invention strategies of this project including
·        Strengthening of CSO’s capacity in development and application of participatory social accountability tools, such as community score cards, public expenditure tracking and social audit.

·        Dissemination of information about the Solomon Islands and budget development processes, public expenditure and roles and responsibilities of services providers and government.

·        Promoting CSO and citizen’s engagement in provincial and national budget development processes.

·        Undertaking national and community level trails of social accountability tools and approaches.

·        Holding public forums, discussions to raise public awareness and promote citizen’s engagement to address issues of public concerns.

·         Research and evidence based campaign to enhance greater accountability and transparency at all levels.

Uesikoke adds in achieving the above objectives the Solomon Islands Social Accountability Coalition (SISAC) wishes to collaborate with communities, CSO and government institutions.

Doreen Fernando, Acting Country Director of Oxfam addressing the project
On the same matter Doreen Fernando, Acting Country Director of Oxfam in Solomon Islands encouraged all Civil Society Organisations and the government to work collaboratively in terms of supporting this initiative.  

Members of SISAC are; Transparency Solomon Islands, Development Services Exchange, Solomon Islands Development Trust, Young Women’s Parliamentary Group, Forum Solomon Islands International, National Scouts Association, National Youth Congress, Honiara Youth Council and Oxfam in Solomon Islands.

Moreover, it was after the launching yesterday they held an inception workshop of improving Social accountability in Solomon Islands and it will be concluded today.
The workshop mainly focuses to look through the project itself and its workplace and amending of any changes where needed.



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