High risk repa-flight arrives



THE much talked about repatriation flight that would bring in passengers from markedly high-risk countries in terms of covid-19 arrived last night (Sunday 7 February 2021).

Loti Yates Director National Disaster Management Office (NMDO) confirmed to Island Sun that the flight arrived at the Henderson International Airport yesterday evening around 7pm.

Yates said this flight brough in nationals who are coming back home and foreigner nationals who will come in to work the major government project.  

Doctor Jimmie Rodgers Secretary to Prime Minister and Deputy Chair to Oversight Committee 

According to Dr Jimmie Rodgers, passengers coming on this flight are from United Kingdom, USA, Africa, Europe, Europe and Asia including Japan and Korea.

Rodgers said technical experts from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka to work on various project in the country with aimed to boost infrastructure development.

He said these countries are categorized as high risk and they are grouped together on one flight.

Rodgers said all high-risk flights will be accommodated east side of the Mataniko river. That is part of the plan agreed by the Oversight Committee.

“We cannot bring in high risk flights very regularly because we have limited accommodations on the east side of Mataniko River,” he said.


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